One of my greatest weakness as an artist was the fact that struggle very hard at drawing women, Kids and unconventionally attractive women? easy, but a regular plain jane pretty lady? that was hard, before anytime i drew one some would be off: shoulders would be way to broad, the boobs would look like they had breast cancer with one being bigger than the other or i'd accidently make the faces to manly, I'd almost given up on drawing women since i always felt they came out looking jank as hell.
but that changed: i recently took a class for posing for animation which was hosted by Tina Nawrocki, one of the cuphead animators and the one who made my fave boss, and i learned a lot more in her class than I did in Art school
and got a lot of good feedback from her on where and how i need to improve my posing and art skills,
and yesterday i had the curious thought, what if i use the techniques i learned from the class and attempt to draw a woman?
so i sat down and had a go at it and it worked, All this time the only reason my women kept coming out weird was the way i was drawing the initial sketches ( i used to just stick figure everything but i think i'm gonna stick with the new technique from here on out)
I'm still not 100% used to drawing them yet, since i'll need to keep practicing more but i'm super excited I'm getting better at it since i've always felt bad that i never could draw women properly.
I'm excited as hell that a new door opened for my art to keep improving!!
looking forward to seeing these new arts!